Author: liza

Mad Men Days

This is a cartoon from a few weeks ago, when the war against women in American politics was hot in the news. It has calmed down a bit, perhaps only because the media has a short attention span. But it’s still out there–some in the GOP want us to return to Mad Men days, when women were not really considered full fledged people.

I love Mad Men and I watched the new premier last night. The reason I like it is the characters, the story lines, the history. I do not want to return to those days (I was just a small child then). Yes, it is better now for women in the US in many respects. But you can see attitudes in Mad Men that persist (or have resurfaced), attitudes we are hearing from a certain faction of the GOP.  I look forward to seeing how the writers write Joan, Peggy and Betty as we move further into the 1960?s. I’m hoping there aren’t too many headbands.

E-Reader Training

I don’t think anyone has broached the subject. If newspapers totally disappear, how are we going to train the puppies? Forget that with the end of newspapers a lot of people will be out of a job: talented journalists, editors, photographers, cartoonists, delivery kids.  If newspapers do go out, I will certainly miss them. The local news, the spreading out of newsprint on the table.  But as the above cartoon depicts, I worry about the puppies, too.

Perhaps, with so many people buying so many ipads and ereaders now (over and over again with each new edition), we will have a surplus. If we don’t already. However, I just don’t think they will work as well as newspapers in this case. And, frankly,  in many other cases as well.

Snobbery 101

One thing I’ve learned as a parent is to not question your child’s reason for going to college. Maybe he wants to learn how to be snobby, maybe she aspires to be like President Obama (who in my humble opinion, is not a snob at all).   Reasons may start out as a desire for prestige, or a desire to fit in, or even a desire to get a job. She may not even know why she wants to go to college, that’s fine. But learning is never a bad thing, be it technical learning or book learning. It’s good for the person, and perhaps good for the country. But whatever the reason, when a large number in a population go to college, it’s a good thing, as this NYTimes op-ed piece by Thomas Friedman points out. And it should not be used as political grist in a presidential election.

Except it gives me more material for my cartoons…

Ebooks and Bookshelves

We  actually have a lot of books in a lot of bookshelves; books that span generations in my family. I love seeing them there.  Having written some hardcover books, now, however,  I am writing an ebook. Since I enjoy social networking (and am told I have some sort of “presence” there), my agent suggested I do an ebook. Why not? It’s called Women on Men, and it’s all humor from women’s perspective, mostly about the other half,  and will be out in the next few weeks. I know some of you already know about it, as I have been promising the book’s arrival for a while. But e-publishing is so different than the regular publishing world (from my experience): things don’t necessarily go according to schedule.  But I do know it’s soon!

For those of us who still love seeing books in real bookshelves and not just those virtual ones on your ereader, and for those of us who love holding books:  my ebook will be print-on-demand, too.

Dating the Government

Usually, my cartoons come out of ideas, not outrage.  But this time, I felt both, and felt I needed to say something about this trend of attacking women’s rights and health care. Ever since the last election, when the House turned red, some in the Republican party have been attempting to chip away at these issues. It just seems like we are going backwards, or rather we WOULD go backwards if some members of the right wing GOP had their way. Contraception?  Vaginal probes?  What next, feet binding? The Republican party is heading so far to the right that yesterday Maine Senator Olympia Snowe announced that she was going to call it quits. She can’t take it anymore.  I don’t blame her, it must be hard to be a moderate in her party. And, on that note, what’s new with Rick Santorum?