Tag: dogs

Dogs Of Halloween

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Last week, Liza, ventured downtown with her tablet,  stylus and a huge umbrella to draw the annual New York City Dog Parade, held in Tompkins Square Park.  It was crowded, rather cold and rainy–in other words very Halloweeny– but the spirit of fun was extremely high.  The ratio of people to dogs was also high, but Liza chose to capture primarily the main event: the dogs. CBS This Morning is publishing her dog drawings all day long on Halloween today on their Instagram and website.  Enjoy!  Woof woof!

E-Reader Training

I don’t think anyone has broached the subject. If newspapers totally disappear, how are we going to train the puppies? Forget that with the end of newspapers a lot of people will be out of a job: talented journalists, editors, photographers, cartoonists, delivery kids.  If newspapers do go out, I will certainly miss them. The local news, the spreading out of newsprint on the table.  But as the above cartoon depicts, I worry about the puppies, too.

Perhaps, with so many people buying so many ipads and ereaders now (over and over again with each new edition), we will have a surplus. If we don’t already. However, I just don’t think they will work as well as newspapers in this case. And, frankly,  in many other cases as well.

An Economy for The Dogs

Things may or may not be really stabilized over there, but it’s heading that way. So maybe this little girl can get a puppy after all. Americans are buying now, it appears.  Why not buy a puppy to boost the economy? Think of all the things you can buy after you buy a puppy. Dog food, treats, cleaner spray, paper towels, dog beds, chew toys, camera, leash, collar, dog training classes, Halloween dog costume,  flea spray, tick medicine, worming pills, vet bills…it’s endless. But so worth it.