Great review of Sex and Sensibility from a publisher in New Zealand. The book is due to be released there
Starting today, I will have a regular feature on the site  Politics, etc... please comment here or on the , the new website created by  Joni Evans, Whoopi Goldberg, Lily Tomlin, Leslie Stahl, Peggy Noonan, Jane Wagner, Candice
Many thanks to Amanda Recupido who regularly attends our events for the book and writes on galleycat about the issues.
Below is the article in the Sunday NY Times by Manohla Dargis, "Is there a Woman in this Multiplex?" that
  Not Laughing Over Cartoons DAVID Kuhn, male chauvinist pig? The literary agent stirred up a flock of feisty feminists
We had a lively time at the Algonquin on April 30th! The panel discussion got heated when discussing the gender