For almost two decades, I have been a member of Cartooning for Peace, an international organization based in Paris. It began
I had the honor and pleasure of being interviewed the other night by Rose Horowitz for her initiative, Women To
The New Yorker now has something called the “Daily Cartoon” that runs every weekday on their website. Often it’s a political
I wrote an article for the Washington Post, interviewing 7 cartoonists for The New Yorker about their thoughts on gender Scholastic, in partnership with the Herblock Foundation, invited me to speak on zoom to 600 high school students
I love live-drawing journalism, and have been doing it for 7 years.  The pandemic put a pause on my being
The other night, I had the joy of speaking with humorist, author, academic Gina Barreca at a book event for
I was honored to be the featured profile in an article in the Washington Post about cartoonists' responses to the
I just got back from Oslo, where I live drew the Oslo Freedom Forum, as I have done for 7 years