
My new book is in the stores! You can buy it on IndieBound, locally, Amazon, Barnes and Noble.  Check out the dates of my book events

And take a look at my blog: whendotheyservethewine.wordpress.com !


Opening of an exhibit of my cartoons, “Decades of Donnelly: The Art of Liza Donnelly” and booksigning, at The Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art, Opening, Oct 5, 7:30; runs Oct- Jan

Launch Party and roundtable with New Yorker cartoonists Roz Chast, Zach Kanin, Barbara Smaller, Drew Dernavich.  at the Society of Illustrators, Nov 17th 6:30. Generously hosted by The Society and Chronicle Books.

Conversation with Liza and New Yorker Cartoon Editor, Bob Mankoff; and booksigning Nov 11th. Museum of Comic and Cartoon Art, 7:00 pm


I was hired to do a weekly cartoon for a great site, WomensEnews.org.  I will post some of the cartoons from time to time here.

Recently I performed with two other cartoonists at Joe’s Pub Happy Endings Reading and Music Series in New York City. It was hysterical and a lot of fun. Creator and curator Amanda Stern and I hope to do another in the future. WNYC Podcast, “Finding Your Inner Snark” (my quote!)  here. And you can see some photos in the post on the right.

front-cover.jpgInformation on Cartoon Marriage: Adventures in Love and Matrimony with the New Yorker’s Cartooning Couple

Radio interview on NPR’s WAMC

Interview with the two of us in the Poughkeepsie Journal

One of our first reviews.

You can order it on the Random House website, Barnes and Nobel and Amazon or the Indie Booksellers site. It’s a collection of our cartoons with graphic narratives done by the two of us together. All on the topic of– yes– marriage (and ours, too).

Michael and I drew the cover together, an homage to George Herriman.


  1. liza says:

    Thanks, Ellen! Hope all is well at Mocca, and thank you for commenting–you are the first. Best wishes, Liza

  2. Ferris says:

    Hi Liza,
    I’m trying to find your round table talk on the web but it’s not there yet. Shucks. Can’t wait to see the book and buy it too. Hooray!
    I hope you’ll sign it with a naked self portrait!
    See you at the cello stand.

  3. Dot Hanlon says:

    Liza, I was in a French immersion class with you for one evening. I did not stay for the duration of the weekend. I would love to have an opportunity to speak to you for five minutes. Please let me know if that is possible.


  4. ginni says:

    Your cartoons are too funny!! With all the bad news in the world today, it’s good for all of us to have a good laugh and your book accomplishes that. Thank you.

  5. Susan says:

    I saw your interview this morning on sunday morning. I wanted to show my family the cartoon about the cat paying the bills not the dog. I was looking on your website but have no idea where to find it. Can you email me how to find it so I can share it with them. I have been laughing all morning about that one 🙂 THANKS and GOD BLESS — Susan

  6. Gale Maleskey says:

    Hi Liza, I brought Dinosaurs Halloween to my great-niece who is 3 1/2 last weekend. She made me read it to her so many times we both had it memorized by the end of the weekend. It was such a nice way to spend time together. We even read your name and your dedication, “To my mother.” Would you be willing to autograph a book for my great-niece if I send one to you? Gale Maleskey

  7. liza says:

    Of Course! send me your email and I will send you my address.

    Love to hear of the enjoyment of my books!! Thanks. Liza

  8. Dear Friends,
    We have been with you in the festival of Saint-Just-Le-Martel, “27é SALON ?NTERNAT?ONAL DE LA CAR?CATURE, DU DESS?N DE PRESSE ET D’HUMOUR DE SAINT-JUST-LE-MARTEL”.

    We were and still are very excited to meet you and to be with you. We really liked all of you and you will have a place in our hearts. The days in Saint-Just-Le-Martel were very special for us , we will never forget . As the memory of these freat moments, we have made the site “http://sj-le-martel2008.blogspot.com/ “ . Although it is a quite new site , we recieved a lot of compliments and we hope You will like it, too.

    Stay with peaceand love,

    Best Regards,

    Melisa & Sevdakar Çelik
    (Sevdakar Çelik, Cartoonist , Turkey, Turquie )

  9. Dear Friends,
    We have been with you in the festival of Saint-Just-Le-Martel, “27é SALON ?NTERNAT?ONAL DE LA CAR?CATURE, DU DESS?N DE PRESSE ET D’HUMOUR DE SAINT-JUST-LE-MARTEL”.

    We were and still are very excited to meet you and to be with you. We really liked all of you and you will have a place in our hearts. The days in Saint-Just-Le-Martel were very special for us , we will never forget . As the memory of these freat moments, we have made the site “http://sj-le-martel2008.blogspot.com/ “ . Although it is a quite new site , we recieved a lot of compliments and we hope You will like it, too.

    Stay with peaceand love,

    Best Regards,

    Melisa & Sevdakar Çelik
    (Sevdakar Çelik, Cartoonist , Turkey, Turquie )

  10. Daniel says:

    My wife is a weaver. She weaves scarves and was very taken with your “ways to wear scarves” picture. Is there anyway that I could get a copy suitable for framing?


  11. liza says:

    Thank you! So sorry I didn’t answer you sooner. I could send you a copy. Why don’t you send me an email via this site, and I will tell you the particulars.

    Best, Liza

  12. i love your cartoons for Dogs and CATS.. i am learning to like CATS although i am a dog grandmother three times as my three children grew to be young adults leaving the parents to rear the dogs.

    and now that I am a recent widow; i can see the humor of the relationship cartoons, almost being married 40 years before my beloved passed last summer. see: http://agoldmanh.blogspot.com

    I am looking forward immensley to get your new book and have it autographed. where is the launch to be of the new book. NY Washington DC or International… I want to meet you too.

    Mission: Excellence Performance: Flawless Execution.. Respectfully: Gloria P Goldman

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