Popular culture rarely takes humor seriously, and that’s why the “women aren’t funny” debate has been so long-lived. It’s not taken seriously–no one wants to analyze humor! But picking apart that particular stereotype is not really about humor, it’s about our sexist culture. Kudos to Vanity Fair for doing a cover story on the current greats of comedy who are women. Took them long enough to respond to Christopher Hitchen’s outrageous piece (in their pages a year ago) on why he thinks women aren’t funny (don’t want to even give you a link to it. Look it up). By the way, Hillary was very funny on Leno the other night, and on SNL a few weeks ago, and on the campaign trail. My favorite comment of hers was “That hurt my feelings.” when she responded to the likeabilty question. Dripping sarcasm from a strong, politically savy woman. Love it.
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