Tag: Hillary Clinton

Chelsea and Marc Have a Daughter, Hillary and Bill have a grandchild

Chelsea's daughterWhose Charlotte, you may ask?  If you don’t know, you will know very soon. Charlotte is Chelsea Clinton’s new baby daughter, born this week.  She is also of course the granddaughter of Hillary and Bill.  When I first heard the news, I was very happy for them all, including the father Marc.  But then I started worrying: will she be dressed in pink?  Wear bows and sparkles, only be given dolls, tea sets,  and toy kitchens?  I imagine she will play with those things but also play with legos, trucks, climb trees and play sports, she will love to get dirty as much as she loves to paint her nails.  Charlotte has a strong act to follow in her mother and her grandmother, but they are terrific role models. I wish her well.

Hillary Clinton’s Day In The Middle East

Every now and then, I wonder what it’s like to be Hillary Clinton. Just the other day, I wondered that again as I read that she peeled off from the Presidental party in Mayanmar and flew off to Jerusalem to meet with world leaders.   The moment I heard Secretary of State Clinton was traveling to the Middle East to try to assist in negotiating a cease fire in the deadly fighting between Gaza and Israel, I humorously said to myself (and to twitter):  Hillary is going to the Mid-East to put those boys in a “time out.”  And I drew this cartoon.

It is certain all four players helped to bring about a cease fire.  Who knows if Hillary was a key player?  If she hadn’t gone to be a part of the negotiations, would there have been a cease fire? We won’t know until one of them writes a book about it.

But I think I will add Hillary to the list of all the things I am thankful for this Thanksgiving. I hope that yesterday she got to stop helping the world for a moment and have some turkey and stuffing with Chelsea and Bill.