Tag: CEO

Facebook CEO, Sheryl Sandberg’s New Book, “Lean In”

Sheryl Sandberg is the CEO of Facebook, and she has been in the news a lot lately. Primarily because she wrote a book about business and women and why there are not more women at the top of companies (or countries).  “Lean In” is part memoir, part advice book, and I enjoyed it. She doesn’t discuss humor, but she does mention Nora Ephron, thankfully!  Read my full piece on my Forbes column

Pregnant and CEO

There were a lot of articles recently about the hiring of Marissa Mayer as head CEO of Yahoo. Why is that news?  It is true there are still not many as many women CEOs as men, although it is changing. What got the media worked up about this was that she announced on twitter within moments after she was hired (it was quick) that she is 7 months pregnant.  Shocking!  Will she be able to handle it all? How do women do it?   I am sure on her CEO salary, Mayer will be fine. Let’s just hope the media isn’t hanging on her every move.