Unconscious Bias: Illustrating Journalist Nicholas Kristof’s words

kristof finish-1New York Times journalist Nicholas Kristof contacted me last week to ask if I would be interested in drawing a cartoon or illustration based on his column  that appears today in the Times.  Mr. Kristof said that The Times did not want art next to his column in the actual paper, but that he would use it within his newsletter that promotes his column and the work he does; and he would share it on social media. He said he was having trouble finding a photograph  that expressed the points and wondered if a cartoon would work well. Not having read the column yet, excited to be asked (and I rarely can’t think of solutions to this problems), I said sure!

Mr. Kristof’s  column this week is on Unconscious Bias, and in it, he does focus more on white men and their unconscious bias even though of course we all have it.   I drew the above cartoon and it appears in his newsletter.   Was honored to work with him and hope do so again!

Cartoons 1, Photographs 0

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