Tag: women

Am I Going To Be Raped?

Am I going to get raped checklist FINALThis cartoon was in response to the idea that there is a connection between rape and alcohol consumption by women, that women should be blamed for a rape if they drink too much. It originally appeared on The Nib, a section of Medium.  Medium is a new blog platform created by twitter, and The Nib is a section that posts a variety of great political cartoons a comics from different people. It is curated by political cartoonist Matt Bors.

Wendy Davis, Rick Perry and Shoes

Wendy davis and rick perry 2 copy_edited-2

What a busy week!  Something for (almost) everyone. Civil Rights, Voting Rights, Gay Marriage Rights, Immigration Rights and Abortion Rights. It’s hard to know what to focus on as a cartoonist. I could cartoon all of them, but actually I can’t. So I chose to draw about the amazing filibuster by Senator Wendy Davis and her colleagues (and the crowd!)  in Texas, which I found fascinating. Sadly, it won’t stick: Governor Rick Perry has scheduled another session and the bill to virtually end a woman’s right to chose in Texas will pass. Here is my take on my column on Forbes.com–with a slightly different cartoon.