Tag: twitter

Stone Age Print

The future of print media is, to put it mildly, uncertain. I don’t read any magazines any more (except for, ahem, The New Yorker. I have to say that), and still hang on to reading the paper version of the New York Times, as well as online. It’s not exactly becoming obsolete, but is a different form of news gathering. I read the paper edition of the Times to see what they consider worthy of being in the print edition. The online version is for me up-to-date news.

But my first love for immediate news is, of course, Twitter.



Revolving Floor

I like twitter, I admit it. One of the beauties of it, if you follow people correctly- i.e. select whom you follow to suit your needs and interests- you end up connecting with very interesting folks. This can lead to links, and innovative endeavors. This is how I found out about Revolving Floor.  Michael Bennett Cohn  has just launched a new site of fiction, poetry, humor, cartoons, photos…you name it…and it promises to be very forward thinking. It supports creativity and innovation. Check it out.

I have a cartoon up this month, as the charter cartoonist for the site. Michael also asked me to serve as cartoon editor, and we plan to look for cartoonists who not only want to do traditional-style cartoons from time-to-time, but who seek to push the medium to new formats suitable for the web, using what cyberspace and the screen of a computer can offer new media.

Check it out:  My cartoon. Home page of revolvingfloor.com

(Interested in submitting poetry, mail to poetry@revolvingfloor.com)revolving-floor-july-donnelly-copy

Twitter continues to make me laugh


This cartoon, inspired by reading tweets of some very passionate folks over the last few days concerning the Iranian Revolution, is also posted on DoubleX, Slate’s new blog; and my blog on opensalon.com (Editor’s Pick!). I share their concern deeply, but Ihave to make fun of Americans. It’s as if tweeting is involuntary and just sweeping some of us away in directions we are unaware of.

twitter, twitter, tweet

So I, and my husband Michael Maslin , spent an evening with some friends the other night. Andy Borowitz and Olivia Gentile kindly fed and entertained us in their new home in Copake.  Susan Orlean and husband John Gillespie were there, too. We talked about lots of stuff, but what got the most heated was the subject of Twitter.  Why does this bring out such emotion in people?  Susan twitters, and so do I  (http://twitter.com/lizadonnelly).  Now, after our evening that night, do Andy and Olivia!!  Follow us.  I think it’s fun.