Category: Women On Men

Women On Men = Women Are Funny

Below is a selection of cartoons from my new book Women On Men, published by Narrative Magazine

I think women are funny. We know that loud and clear from watching the Golden Globes the other night, when Amy Poehler and Tina Fey killed as hosts.  They were so funny in a perfect way–just enough snark and intelligence. There is not a special kind of funny that women do, they are just funny. Like men are funny. Things are changing for women  in many regards, and sometimes I think the outrageous idea that women aren’t funny is an old topic. But like so many things–it is and it isn’t.  Famous comedians may be breaking the glass ceiling of humor from time to time, as well they should,  but Hollywood is slow to recognize women creators, directors and actors who are funny.  And in the day-to-day lives of ordinary women, humor is not an easy option. There are still misogynists out there who don’t want women to be funny,  so let’s keep talking about it until it’s totally equal!

You can purchase my ebook here, or write me if you would like a paperback hard copy, signed with a drawing inside.

Let’s Retire “Battle Of The Sexes”

let's reduce the gender gap copy-1I draw a lot of cartoons about what some have called the “battle of the sexes.”  But that’s an old phrase.  I am not sure where it originated so I looked it up and see the phrase is a Peter Sellers movie, a radio contest, an album by Ludacris, and of course it was the famous tennis match between Billie Jean King and Bobby Riggs. But I would like to suggest we retire this phrase.  Why does it have to be a battle? It doesn’t.  We need communication (in all forms, see above cartoon) and laughter to bring us together.

This is what I try to do in my book. Yes, I make fun of men, but do so lovingly. If we can’t make fun of each other, then it is a battle. So clearly, laughter is the better way to go.

My new book of cartoons is called “Women On Men,” published by Narrative Magazine. It can be purchased here, and here for kindle, and if you email me, I will send you a signed-with-drawing inside copy at a discount!