Category: Liza Line

Happy Women’s Equality Day

Equality DayOn August 26th, 1920, the 19th Amendment went into law and women were finally allowed to vote in the US after decades of effort on the part of brave women and men. This day is marked every year now,  and called #WomensEqualityDay. But what many men and women in this country don’t realize is that women are not currently equal under our laws. Here is Liza’s post on Forbes about a new documentary that helps bring understanding on this, and how the US is failing to be a global leader in the fight for #WomensRights.

Liza will be appearing on a panel tonight at the United Nations in New York , as part of an initiative of the office of UN Women, to discuss these issues and help find solutions.

Live Drawing History: Hillary Clinton and the DNC in Philly

29I was thrilled to be at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia last week, live tweet drawing for CBS News and The New Yorker.  Below are a selection of some of my drawings, but you can see more on here. I wrote about the experience,  and posted some drawings on Medium, here. And CBS did a video of me and slide show here. Every morning, I drew the hosts and guests of CBS This Morning.  The greatest thrill was to be on the floor during the roll call, and also when Hillary gave her speech. It was emotional, and lots of fun.


Live Tweet Drawing At The DNC!

unnamed-4It’s with great enthusiasm that I can announce I will be going to the Democratic Convention in Philadelphia to live tweet draw what I see for The New Yorker and CBS This Morning.  The CBS morning show will have me on set each morning to draw the guests and hosts, then I will wander the halls and street (if the heat doesn’t get me) to draw stuff and tweet it out. So follow me on twitter @lizadonnelly for live updates. Also follow @NewYorker and @CBSThisMorning accounts, too!